Stressless App and Stressless Cards are two systems that recommend life goals and activities in order to enhance resilience to everyday life stress. Both app and cards were inspired by the strategy created by the game designer Jane McGonigal for encouraging people to build positive behaviours in the face of stressful situations. According to McGonigal's method, individuals can build emotional, mental, physical and social resilience in order react positively and not be a affected by stressful situations.
Stressless App uses Individuals' preferences, time and geo-location to give recommendations of behavioural practices and activities. Besides helping to develop resilience to everyday life, these activities can also create a sense of mindfulness and self-awareness in individuals.
Stressless App can sync behavioural practices such as "Meditate" or "Be grateful" with the user's calendar app, as well as show time and location based recommendations right on the Stressless widget on the search screen of your iPhone.
Following the same principle of the Stressless App, this set of eight cards displays emotional-, mental-, physical-, and social-related behavioural practices such as "Be grateful", "Meditate", "Sleep well" and "Make connections". Each of these practices illustrated in the Stressless Cards is followed by recommendations of activities divided into four different levels of difficulty, from those that can potentially be accomplished with less effort (meditate for 5 minutes three times a week) to those that might require more commitment (at least twice a month take part in a community activity). Due to the fact the perception of difficulty might vary from people to people, Stressless Cards was designed so that anyone could choose and customize the proposed activities to fit their own lifestyle.
Mobile user interface
Subjective data visualization
Health design
Everyday life experiences
/ Design concept
/ User experience design
/ Information architecture
/ Graphic user interface
/ Information design
Project created as part of my thesis for the Master of Design program at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, 2017.
This project was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, under the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program (CGS-M), 2016.